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[openrailwaymap] ProRail import - slice 2

Rolf Eike Beer eike at
Thu May 7 08:14:34 MEST 2015

Am Samstag, 2. Mai 2015, 22:28:43 schrieb JJJ Wegdam:
> Dear contributors,
> while the WMS of the milestones (slice 1) ought to be being developed, I
> decided to introduce you guys to slice 2. The proposal that I'm about to
> present is about the Dutch equivalent of Betriebsstelle:
> dienstregelingspunten. Freely translated, this means timetable-nodes. The
> English equivalent is the collection of yards, junctions, sidings and
> moveable bridges (note that yards and sidings are distinguished in the
> Dutch definition).

So, what exactly will that look like? One point per "station", that would 
match what we have as railway=station (or halt, or service_station)? For those 
elements the node is placed "in the center of the object", so I guess any 
coordinate you would give us would be fine.



P.S.: Alexander is currently very busy, and I'm not a railway expert, so I 
held back with answering. Your mail was not lost, but I expect it to take a 
bit to get a broader discussion.
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