This mailing list has been migrated to Mailman 3. This archive will no longer be updated. Messages after 1 February 2020 are missing. Please use the new archive instead.
Diese Mailingliste wurde auf Mailman 3 umgestellt. Dieses Archiv wird nicht mehr länger aktualisiert. Nachrichten nach dem 1. Februar 2020 fehlen. Bitte benutze das neue Archiv.

[openrailwaymap] Webseite down

Rolf Eike Beer eike at
Wed Aug 31 09:02:57 MEST 2016

Hrhr, that's what end to end encryption is for ;) This mail was actually to 
Alex, I just stored it in the same folder than this list, and the folder is 
marked containing a list in KMail.

So, just ignore it. If you can still read it I know some 3 and 4 letter 
agencies that would give you work for sure ;)

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