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[openrailwaymap] Hl-Signale / German Hl Signals

Alexander Matheisen AlexanderMatheisen at
Tue Dec 30 01:12:43 MET 2014

On So, 2014-12-28 at 23:44 +0100, Alexander Matheisen wrote:
> (English version below)
> Hallo,
> der Signallayer stellt ab sofort auch Kombinations- und Vorsignale des
> Hl-Systems der Deutschen Reichsbahn dar.

da es ja nicht mehr so viele Gegenden in Deutschland gibt, wo noch
Hl-Signale zu finden sind, hier mal ein Beispiel:



> Hl signals are main and combined light signals used by 'Deutsche
> Reichsbahn' (predecessor of 'Deutsche Bahn' in the German Democratic
> Republic). OpenRailwayMap now renders them.
> A good english description with images of these signals can be found
> here:

since Hl signals are slowly replaced by more modern light signals, it is
not easy to find a station on the map where they still exist. So here
you can find an example area:

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