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[openrailwaymap] Extract kilometration from map?

Wolfgang Keller feliphil at
Sun Mar 9 17:42:40 MET 2014

> in a first step you could take a planet file and filter out only the
> objects you need. Then you could import the filtered data into a
> database, e.g. with osm2pgsql. With a PostGIS database you are able to
> do many different geographic queries such as getting all nodes that
> are part of a way or calculating way lengths.

Thanks for that. In that case I'll stick with the "path" tool in Google
Earth though.

I had just hoped that someone would have actually thought of
implementing a user interface for extracting information from
Openrailwaymap. But, well, "web application" and "user interface",
those two things just don't seem to fit.



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