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[openrailwaymap] Proposal: tag turntables and traversers like a piece of track

Roland Hieber lists at
Tue Aug 11 23:49:15 MEST 2015

On 09.08.2015 00:04, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
> Am Samstag, 8. August 2015, 23:28:27 schrieb Alexander Matheisen:
>> On Di, 2015-08-04 at 19:56 +0200, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
>>> I just came over this yesterday: turntables and traversers are tagged only
>>> on their outer limit. Often you find one piece in it also tagged, often
>>> the one showing the track location at the time of a random sattelite
>>> image. I would suggest not tagging that piece of track, giving the
>>> renderer the freedom to put one at a random place (or even animating one,
>>> think of f4map). So one would need to put the information like
>>> electrification somewhere. I suggest adding those tags (electrification,
>>> gauge) directly to the traverser or turntable (outline).
>> +1
>> I already delete such tracks on turntables if mapped or do not add them
>> when I trace new ones from aerial image.
>> Should we add some documentation to the 'turntables' section of the
>> tagging scheme?
> If we agree on this: yes, definitely.

Looks fine for me.

 - Roland

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