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[openrailwaymap] Online meeting about NL

JJJ Wegdam jwegdam at
Sat Jul 11 14:47:58 MEST 2015

Good afternoon contributors,

now that the holidays have started and that my exams are over, I'm looking forward to continue on the Dutch content of ORM. I still have a lot of data available and even aquired new data on the electrical catenary systems. 

In order to inform you on the Dutch situation and to discuss how to implement it's data, I propose to arrange an online meeting. Through skype, mumble, teamspeak, or whatever other client you guys like. With this approach I hope to avoid many e-mail threads and faster concensus.

If you are interested to join in on the conversation, please leave a reply. A date and client will be chosen later. Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

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