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[openrailwaymap] Finnish railway signals

Alexander Matheisen AlexanderMatheisen at
Tue Apr 12 00:43:05 MEST 2016

Hello everybody,

since two weeks the most important railways signals in Finland are
rendered on the map. The signalling layer now shows main signals
(Pääopastin) and distant signals (Esiopastin).

Some Finnish railway mappers mapped more than 4500 main and distant
signals, even before those signals were rendered on the map. They also
created a detailled tagging scheme for Finnish signals in the
OpenStreetMap wiki:

Many thanks to the Finnish railway mappers for their support. We will
cooperate with the Finnish community to extend the signalling layer by
more signals in the future. It is also planned to create a JOSM tagging
preset for Finnish signals to make mapping easier.

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