Thanks for the quick reply.  I think I am confused by the ISO symbolying that is suggested to be used in the value location of these attributes. Though I could be wrong.
States:"only light and semaphore signals railway:signal:distant:states=* – displayable signal apsects (e.g. stop, proceed, proceed at low speed, …). The value should begin with a country-operator-prefix, e.g. DE-ESO: or AT-V2" 

additionally in this email from the archive
"...the aspects of signals can show the following:

- main: Hp0, Ks1
- distant: Ks1, Ks2"

There is no chart I could find with these ISO codes or any other documentation I could find. 
Thank You
Nat Proudfoot (Stolzfuß) 

On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 9:09 AM Rolf Eike Beer <> wrote:
Am Sonntag, 3. Januar 2021, 17:20:25 CET schrieb Natfoot:
> Hello Discussion List,
> Could someone fill me in on a chart of examples of this:
> And This:
> mit_distant:sp&action=edit&redlink=1
> I am in the USA / North America.

I don't really get the question(s), but I'll try to assist. The distant states
are usually "expect pass", "expect slow pass", and "expect stop".

I guess the second should be ":speed" at the end? This will show the speed
that the actual signal will have, e.g. "60", "100", or "65 mph".
