Perhaps this list can be useful in order to determine what name to use:

According to that list, Sweden is using ATC-2 and ATC-R. While Bulgaria and Portugal are using Ebicab 700:BU and Ebicab 700:PT. Norway is said to be using ATC-2, which is compatible with the Swedish ATC-2. But in Norway, there are some lines that are equipped with the full version, FATC (which I think is the same as the normal implementation of ATC-2 in Sweden), and some lines that only have a partial implementation, DATC. There seems to be some similarities between the Swedish and the Norwegian systems ATC and the Ebicab 700 systems in Portugal and Bulgaria. But I don't think these are compatible. 

Den ons 19 apr. 2023 kl 19:47 skrev Ross Gammon <>:

For me - both pieces of information are interesting.



If it is not possible to tag both pieces of information, is it possible to leave the tagging as originally specified here:, in which case Denmark would be tagged with railway:zub123=yes, but then render it as ATC when the data is viewed?

That would avoid having to redo any tagging, and keep the useful information about the equipment type (model) for extraction using other tools for those interested in that information.



On 19.04.2023 13.10, wrote: wrote:
Well, 'ATC' isn't ambigous in Sweden. In Sweden, there is only one ATC, and it
will never be mixed up with japanese or bulgarian ATC. 
Does that mean we should also tag Danish, Bulgarian, or Japanese ATC as "Railway:atc=yes"?

And the system IS called ATC, signs along the track say "ATC begins" or
"ATC ends" or similar, documentation for drivers etc say ATC, documentation on
the Trafikverket website says ATC. ATC everywhere, never Ebicab. So it would be fairly
confusing to tag the railways with something "no one"* has heard of. Because of
this, I do NOT vote for changing tags in sweden from ATC to Ebicab. If something has to be
changed, then ATC-SE is a better choise.
So why should Danish ATC be tagged ZUB123? All signs say ATC, all driver documentation say ATC, (almost) no-one has heard about ZUB123. Yet that is still the tag used for Denmark.
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