Dear contributors,

while the WMS of the milestones (slice 1) ought to be being developed, I decided to introduce you guys to slice 2. The proposal that I'm about to present is about the Dutch equivalent of Betriebsstelle: dienstregelingspunten. Freely translated, this means timetable-nodes. The English equivalent is the collection of yards, junctions, sidings and moveable bridges (note that yards and sidings are distinguished in the Dutch definition). The (open) data which I have available offers us X and Y coordinates (Dutch RD system), names and abbreviations. 
My proposal is to make a .shp file out of this (with coordinate conversion) using QGIS, import that into JOSM and upload it directly on to the OSM server. And of course, let's not get ahead of ourselves: I'll make sure to follow the proper procedures, like I described them many times:
Thank you in advance for your feedback and have a nice continuation of your weekends.

Kind regards,