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[openrailwaymap] Geschwindigkeitsangaben aus der Wikipedia

Michael Reichert nakaner at
Fri Jan 23 19:55:28 MET 2015


Am 2015-01-23 um 15:27 schrieb Neil Pilgrim:
> My understanding is that wikipedia (alone) is not a valid source of data
> for OSM?

Yes. It is the main goal of OSM to do on the ground surveys. Only those
surveys can guarantee high-quality data. These on the ground surveys
made OSM become so good in Germany. More and more companies use OSM data
in Germany because there is nobody with data of a similar level of
detail. We, ORM in Germany, want to become this, too.

It is also not so worse than at OSM if an Wikipedia contributor ignores
a few track sections where speed limit is lower due to a lack of
refurbishment etc. But we ORM want to have data at this level of detail.

In Germany rail enthusiast like our maxspeed layer because it shows how
fast trains really are allowed to run. Imaginary data can be found at
Deutsche Bahn's network database (ugly to use and often wrong)
ATTENTION: The following link brings you to a very ugly and unusable
website. :-)

Best regards


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