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[openrailwaymap] [Imports] Thoughts about importing a whole country's (NL) railway data

Pavel Machek pavel at
Sat Mar 28 13:36:48 MET 2015


> I myself (one of the developers of OpenRailwayMap) am against importing
> railway data. OpenStreetMap is not a 0-Euro data center for geodata. OSM
> is a project where /people/ collect data and care for it.
> Because the Netherlands already have mapped railway lines, you have to
> preserve the objects' history if you import railway data. This makes an
> mechanical import is nearly impossible.

So, instead of having good data in openstreetmap, we keep bad data, because
they have "history"?

We should aim to have best available data in openstreetmap.

(cesky, pictures)

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