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[openrailwaymap] Overlapping signals

Alexander Matheisen AlexanderMatheisen at
Wed Mar 19 22:27:20 MET 2014

Hi everybody,

today I have made some changes affecting the rendering of signals.
In the past there was the problem that many signals were not rendered
because their icons collided with neighbour signal icons. This was a bit
confusing because a user could not see his edits on the map.

Now I have changed the rendering style, so that signal icons are allowed
to overlap. Example:
(Note that the changes are visible after an automatic rerendering of a
tile or a manual refresh by adding /dirty at the end of the tile URL.)

The advantage is that you can now see every mapped signal, but this is
also the main disadvantage: At some locations with a high density of
signals, there is only a big cluster of overlapping icons and captions.

What do you think about this issue? Let me know your experiences!

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