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[openrailwaymap] Overlapping signals

Roland Hieber lists at
Thu Mar 20 21:29:22 MET 2014

On 19.03.2014 22:27, Alexander Matheisen wrote:
> The advantage is that you can now see every mapped signal, but this is
> also the main disadvantage: At some locations with a high density of
> signals, there is only a big cluster of overlapping icons and captions.
> What do you think about this issue? Let me know your experiences!

Ohhh, I like it! Better than just having some signals at once and having
to zoom in indefinitely to actually discover _if_ there are signals at
all that are really close to each other.

The "real cartographer" way would be to apply a small displacement if
two symbols are too close, but that's rather nice-to-have and IMHO your
current solution works well enough.

 - Roland

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