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[openrailwaymap] Mapping/importing milestones

Michael Reichert nakaner at
Sat Apr 18 21:51:50 MEST 2015

Hi Jereon,

2015-04-18 00:25 JJJ Wegdam wrote:
> does anyone object the following plan?
> 1. Import the milestones automatically at their current database location
> 2. Set up a mapping project/request to re-locate the milestones
> The advantage is that we have data available for the entire Netherlands until the milestones are mapped at their final location. 

That looks like an advantage but it is a big disadvantage. It is never a
good idea to import data into OSM and let the community fix it. Just
have a look at all these TIGER data garbage (stevea as railway mapper
could teach you a lesson – he is fixing all these data in California).
The TIGER import imported road data of a low quality over the whole US.
Up to now about 95 % (rough estimation) has not been fixed. The import
took place about 6 to 8 years ago! There are several other imports which
did the same – their data has not been fixed yet.

Shortly, if you propose an import at Imports list as you are doing here
now, your proposal will definitely fail.

2015-04-14 01:47 JJJ Wegdam  wrote:
> Milestone systems and signal locations are used for many purposes,
> like defining and finding maintenance or research locations, but also
> capacity-calculation. Especially the milestones; I simply know that
> ProRail employees would greatly appreciate a milestone map that works
> well at their mobile phone. Railmaps does not and ORM does. I
> promised them to make this work as soon as I could. This is also why
> I tried the milestone import before.

If people are interested in having milestons in OSM why don't you ask
them to help them tracing from an WMS layer. You can set up a WMS
service using a database like PostGIS + a server like Mapserver or
Geoserver. I will try to set up such a service (it's not much data, i.e.
it does not need a powerful server) at my private server but you might
have to wait a few days.

People who add data often stay at OSM as contributors and will keep the
data up to date if the reality changes.

Best regards


PS It makes your mails more readable if you add a empty line between a
inline quote and your answer (like this mail). :-)

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