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[openrailwaymap] Incompletely tagged signals about to disappear

Rolf Eike Beer eike at
Sun Jun 21 09:35:30 MEST 2015

Am Samstag, 20. Juni 2015, 23:13:04 schrieb Peter Reinhart:
> Dear fellow railway mappers,
> there is a current Github issue with the OpenRailwayMap that I believe
> is quite worth to be debated. It is on the question if railway signals
> should no longer be rendered when there is no direction tag attached to
> them.

I'm now hijacking this discussion, because I think it matches my "issue" 
pretty close.

I would like to have a better tagging for "2 or more signals at the same 
pole". Think of the German snowplow signal as a reference: in all cases where 
I have seen this signal it shows up and down on the same pole, just for 
opposite directions. There is currently no way to reflect this in the tagging, 
one needs to use 2 nodes for this (which I dislike for various reasons).

Another example are H/V light signals where a main and distant signal is at 
the same pole. Those often have signs where the ref is written as "G/pII" [1]. 
You do not need much guessing to find out that "G" is the ref of the main 
signal, while "pII" matches the distant one. There is however no way one could 
reflect this in the tagging, either.

So if anyone comes up with a good idea how to increase the tagging for those 
without breaking everything we already have: just speak up.

For the "ref" I could imaging adding additional railway:signal:main:ref=G and 
railway:signal:distant:ref=pII, but this duplicates information we already 
have in the database. A way out could be to say: if there are multiple signals 
on one pole that could have refs use the "long" form, otherwise "ref" is 
sufficient. But that sounds hacky to me.



1) side note: the II are actually smaller and written in superscript, I have 
no idea how to properly write that down
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