Proposal for new tagging scheme for Ks signals
A. Problem
Today there are 3 different signal "types" for tagging:
- distant
- main
- combined
The only participant in train protection are main and combined signals.
Distant signals do not manage the movement authority. They "just" announce the
state of the following main aspect signal.
Combined signals are no special "type" of signal, they just be "intelligent"
with showing the signal states.
That means, the aspects of signals can show the following:
- main: Hp0, Ks1
- distant: Ks1, Ks2
When combining two aspects, some states are suppressed:
Main + Distant = Shown state
Hp0 + Ks1 = Hp0
Hp0 + Ks2 = Hp0
Ks1 + Ks1 = Ks1
Ks1 + Ks2 = Ks2
B. Solution
It would be much more logical to map both aspects, main and distant, at one
- When not knowing whether a signal is main or combined, it stays flexible to
change it later.
Nowadays, you have to delete all "combined" tags and make "main" tags an vice
- No need to have 2 (main + combined) namespaces with all the properties of
- No need to maintain 2 JOSM preset items
- Possibility to filter all main aspect signals, no matter whether they are
"combined" signals or "normal" main signals
To tag the states I propose to tag a main aspect signal:
That makes a signal identified as Ks signal, no matter of the states
That is what every main aspect signal can show
Every distant signal can show DE-ESO:ks2
There is no need to tag this.
If a distant signal can also show ks1, tag:
There are signals before a buffer stop that can only show Hp0 and Ks2.
They would be tagged as follows:
A marker light should not be tagged as "DE-ESO:kennlicht", as it is not clear if
it is a property of main or distant aspect.
I propose to go back to the past with:
That neutral to main or distant.
The minor signal should distinguish between Ra 12 (DV) and Sh 1 (DS).
I propose to tag:
Use ds and dv namespace instead of db and dr, as DB and DR no longer exists, DV
and DS are the official abbreviations used by DBAG.
When tagging signals that are harmonized in DS and DV = Ril301, DO NOT tag this.
Zs6 (Gegengleisanzeiger):
Specify form:
A light can also be Zs8. NO SPECIAL TAGGING, as it is not needed. Every Zs6 can
technically show Zs8. If the signal box can't do it, there is no need to tag
this at
the signal.
Zs7 (Vorsichtsignal):
Tagging of the signal ref:
Distinguish between ESTW-Kennzahl and signal ref.
16 + P3
That makes it possible to show only the P3 in special applications. When one
needs the 16 he can take it from ref:kennzahl.
Switch over to
Advantage: Possibility to tag a Lf7 at the same position
railway:signal:speed_signal:form=sign/light (default: sign)
As signals have positions, meaning a km (example: km 18.543) the tag
should be used.
The "Standort" should be tagged as
The direction should be tagged as
regarding to the OSM way.
I know that at least Nakaner will be against ALL my ideas. But that is no matter
for me, as long as he has no real arguments beside of saying that the ideas are
"from me".
die Umstellung der deutschen Signale auf Values mit dem Präfix DE-ESO:*
ist abgeschlossen. Demnächst werden Signale ohne Präfix nicht mehr auf gerendert werden.
Einige Signale habe ich nicht umgetaggt, da sie mir bei meinem
mechanischen Edit unlogisch vorkamen. Dazu wurden die User, die sie
eingetragen haben, noch gefragt und zusätzliche Quellen zu Rate gezogen.
Das betrifft v.a. User, die nicht zwischen Hp- und Ks- sowie zwischen
Hl- und Ks-Signalen unterscheiden konnten oder obskure
Tagging-Kombinationen verwendet haben. Außerdem wurden in Vergangenheit
die Tags von Eisenbahnsignalen für Straßenbahnsignale verwendet – das
ist für mich Mapping für den Renderer, ich habe einen Teil dieser
Signale umgetaggt und das Präfix DE-BOStrab:* mit dem passenden Wert
Nicht umgetaggt wurden:
- Signale außerhalb Deutschlands (H/V-Signale in Schweden und im
Kosovo, Schneepflugsignale und Haltetafeln in Österreich)
- Signale in BOStrab-Bereichen, v.a. Köln, Stuttgart und Frankfurt-
- ein paar Auffälligkeiten (z.B. Signale in Ostdeutschland, die es nur
in Westdeutschland geben kann, und umgekehrt)
Der Validator wird solche Signale nicht anmahnen, da es sich
aufgrund der geringen Zahl nicht lohnt, das zu implementieren. Der
JOSM-Mappaint-Stil josm-additional.mapcss rendert bei diesen Signalen
schon jetzt ein Warnicon.
Viele Grüße
the migration to signal tagging with country-operator prefix using a
mechanical edit has been completed today. We will turn of rendering of
German Signals without prefix DE-ESO:* soon.
Some signals have not been touched by this mechanical edit because their
tagging was so strange that I was not able to understand it. I have
contacted the mappers who tagged so strange. Some signals have not been
modified because they were tagging for the renderer (tram signals tagged
as railway signals in order to be rendered).
Following signals/areas have not been edited:
- signals outside Germany (German main signals in Sweden and Kosovo,
snowplow signals and stop signs in Austria)
- tram signals in Cologne, Stuttgart and Frankfurt-Heddernheim
- obviously wrong tagged signals (e.g. signals in East Germany which
only exist in West Germany and vice versa)
Our validator rules will not warn you if you use the old tagging in
future. I think that adding such rules is a waste of time. But
josm-additional.mapcss, the recently published additional JOSM MapPaint
style will render a warning icon if you have enabled it at JOSM.
Best regards
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