On So, 2014-02-23 at 19:13 +0100, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
For the speed theme, I suggest to render faster lines on top of slow
ones. I guess that the speed theme is used by people who want to find
which and where the fast lines are. Currently, this doesn't work well:
E.g. the Lötschbergbasistunnel at 250 km/h is not visible in many zoom
levels, since the slower Lötschberg-Bergstrecke is visible instead (in
some zoom levels, the number "250" from the Lötschbergbasistunnel is
visible, but the color is the 80 km/h turquoise of the
Lötschberg-Bergstrecke. The problem is also widespread in Austria.
i fixed this bug.
The problem was the built-in layering of the renderer. This caused that
highspeed lines were hidden by lowspeed lines because the highspeed
lines were tunnels with layer=-1.
Now I have modified the renderer, so that he ignores any
tunnel/bridge/layer tag in the maxspeed layer. [1]
There were also some modifications of the MapCSS style necessary because
JOSM and KothicJS seem to have problems with too complex rendering
rules. [2]
The changes can be seen after the next rerendering of the tiles or
manually by adding "/dirty" at the URL of a tile.