Hello everybody,
for rendering, it would be nice to have any information about the
importance of a station/halt. With this information, the renderer could
render captions in different zoom levels or font sizes or decide which
label is rendered in cases of collision.
Currently we have the tag railway:station_category=1-7 for mapping the
German railway station category [1]. But this is very german-specific,
so we should think about a way to tag the importance of a station using
generic rules that are independent from any country-specific categories.
Should we use the existing tag railway:station_category=* and translate
the German definitions, so that they can be applied internationally?
This would have the advantage that German stations, that are already
tagged with the existing tag, do not require any retagging. But using
just numeric values is not so
Or should we create a new tag a tag like railway:station_importance=*
with some category values such as local/regional/international/... and
leave the existing railway:station_category=* tag for mapping
country-specific categories?
Any ideas?
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_railway_station_categories
inzwischen ist wieder einiges bei uns passiert:
Wir werden jetzt die Relationen an den Schienen auswerten und
dementsprechend nicht mehr den Tag priority setzen.
Viele Grüße
Merle von MentzDV
heute bin ich zwischen Dresden und Berlin über zwei Fälle von
übertriebenem Baustellenmapping gestoßen. In Rangsdorf wird derzeit der
Bahnhof grundlegend umgebaut. Einer von uns Eisenbahnmappern hat den
Bahnhof im Februar 2014 auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht [2],
mittlerweile ist dort aber alles wieder ganz anders. Züge verkehren
nicht mehr über die Westseite, sondern über die Ostseite.
Alter Bauzustand:
Neuer Bauzustand:
Ein weiteres Beispiel ist die Sperrung des Richtungsgleises Dresden ->
Berlin zwischen Elsterwerda und Hohenleipisch. Dieses soll dem note-Tag
zufolge im Januar 2014 gesperrt gewesen sein, worauf der Mapper es in
railway=disused umgetaggt hat. Mittlerweile wird es wieder befahren,
andernfalls wäre dieses Bild wohl nicht so entstanden:
Mein Bitte daher an alle Mapper:
Bitte mappt baubedingte Änderungen nur, wenn ihr die Strecke im Auge
behalten könnt (d.h. regelmäßig die Strecke befahrt). Es sollte auf der
Schiene diesselben Grundsätze wie beim Mappen von Straßenbaustellen gelten.
Ich persönlich habe für mich entschieden, keine
Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen zu mappen, die durch Lf 1, Lf 2 und Lf 3
angeordnet werden, zu erfassen. Sie sind meist temporärer Natur. Ich
mappe sie nur, wenn ich relativ sicher weiß, dass mit einer Besserung
(Aufhebung der Langsamfahrstelle) nicht zu rechnen und von einem
Ersetzen dieser Schilder durch Lf 6/Lf 7 zu rechnen ist.
Ich weiß, die Strecke Berlin–Dresden ist ein Fall für sich, denn dort
stehen in den kommenden zwei Jahren noch umfangreiche Bauarbeiten ins
Haus (u.a. eine 18-monatige Vollsperrung für den Ausbau auf 200 km/h,
bei der anscheinend kein Schotterstein auf dem anderen bleibt). [1]
Der Verursacher dürfte sich hoffentlich angesprochen fühlen. :-)
Viele Grüße
[1] 18 Monate rechtfertigen ein railway=construction + construction=rail.
[2] Bei den Routenrelationen stehen noch einige Nacharbeiten an, die ich
noch im Rahmen der Umstellung des RE 7 Wünstorf-Waldstadt–Berlin–Dessau
[3] auf PTv2 erledigen werde.
[3] Diese Linie hat zwischen Wünstorf-Waldstadt und Zossen bis Dezember
SEV, weshalb ich sie auf den Abschnitt Zossen–Dessau einkürzen werden.
Neun Monate sind lang genug.
*English summary*
The email above is a complaint about a mapper (he is the only one I
discovered) who mapps construction works on railway lines. Just because
he sees construction works on a track while passing them by train, he
changes the affected track from railway=rail to
railway=construction/disused. But he did not update the data later.
I think that we should use the same guideline as road mappers do: Only
map construction works using tags like railway=construction if the
construction works require a couple of months (at least 6).
We should also not map speed limits which are caused by short
construction works.
I myself only map construction works along railway lines if I regularly
use this railway line and can ensure updates.
Best regards
Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
*TL;DR* I myself (one of the OpenRailwayMap developers) absolutely
oppose a proposed railway import in the Netherlands.
Dear Jeroen, dear readers of Imports and OpenRailwayMap mailing list,
I have heard and read that you tried to import railway data in the
I myself (one of the developers of OpenRailwayMap) am against importing
railway data. OpenStreetMap is not a 0-Euro data center for geodata. OSM
is a project where /people/ collect data and care for it.
Because the Netherlands already have mapped railway lines, you have to
preserve the objects' history if you import railway data. This makes an
mechanical import is nearly impossible.
That's why I suggest you to do it differently. Set up a WMS or TMS
offering some of the data. The WMS/TMS can be used at JOSM. The mappers
can use this service if they improve a railway line or station. They
correct/improve existing data and preserve the objects' history.
We have several of these "WMS imports" in Germany and Austria. Usually a
state surveying authority allowed us to use their WMS service to derive
data. Some examples are City of Berlin, City of Hamburg, State of North
Rhine-Westphalia or basemap.at in Austria. Mappers usually derive
geometry of objects from these services while adding additional data
which they surveyed in field.
This type of import would be much slower but better in the long term.
People only start mapping if they see a (nearly) blank map or missing
data. This effect has worked perfectly in Russia (where there seems
supposedly be no better map) and Germany. At the moment German railway
mappers experience the same effect at detailed railway mapping (speed
limits, signals, milestones, …). Deutsche Bahn (Germany's national
railway company) refuse to publish any piece of data. I have found some
newbies, who started mapping a few months ago and did railway edits from
day 1, for the last months while mapping railway stuff. This happens if
people miss data.
If you import all data, you won't get such a large community. People
only care for the data they mapped themself ("their own things"). They
will keep these data up-to-data. If you imported these data, they
cannot/won't do it because they did not map it and did not join OSM.
Railway infrastructure is changing day by day (like highway
infrastructure does this, too). You need a large number of mappers if
your data shall be up-to-data.
My suggestion: Set up an WMS service which offers a rendering of all
tracks and milestones of ProRail (maybe different colours for different
track types).
You should think about a tagging scheme before starting signal mapping
in the Netherlands. Every country has a different railway signalling system.
Best regards
PS Sorry for starting a new thread. I joined the list after the initial
discussion about this import.
Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)